Minggu, 26 April 2009

Trend The Fashion 2009, Simple And Minimal details

The fashion just like details apparently began to sink in 2009 came. The economic factor apparently became one of his triggers. “Kondisi global economics at this time really memengaruhi the construction fesyen the year came. Alhasil, the characteristics of his fashion were more simple and minimal detail,” clear the cadet K Kusmayadi, General Chairman Pusat of the Association of the Designer of the Businessman Mode Indonesia (APPMI). The designer who often was greeted by Nuna this added, details took the form of the measuring stones big then began to disappear and that more was exposed was the material processing. Material that became the choice among them silk organdy, the siphon, viskos, and jersey. “Tantangan like this that must be dealt with respectively the designer to conjure up a sheet of cloth to the fashion that menarik,” mentioned Nuna that currently busy preparing the collection for the performance Hong Kongese Fashion Week 2009.

Nuna apparently also was challenged offered the very different fashion collection compared with beforehand. At this time Nuna was seen put the simple design forward, but had the value sold high. “Kali this I no longer carried out the experiment. The fashion that was made must be able to be used and the behaviour in pasaran,” clear Nuna that released the collection anyar in the site of “Fashion Exploration 2009″. In the party site mode greatest besutan the Association of the Designer of the Businessman Mode Indonesia (APPMI) that, Nuna took the theme of the collection “Pilgrimage”. He often offered the construction of the hands of the bat and trousers jodhpur (trousers that expanded in the thigh part and were wrinkled in the underside). “Koleksi this indeed a part of prototype that will be simplified to ready to wear. Usually not only details that were minimised, but from the side of the design also was not as complicated as aslinya,” pungkas Nuna that this time was supported by the designer of accessories from Belgium, Rudy Coren.

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