Jumat, 24 April 2009

"Trend"fashion 2009:Character Simple And Minimal details"

The FASHION was rich in details apparently will sink this coming 2009. The economic factor apparently became one of his triggers. The "condition" for "global economics at this time really affected the construction fashion the year came." Alhasil, the characteristics of his fashion were more simple and minimal details, explained the cadet K Kusmayadi, General Chairman Pusat of the Association of the Designer of the Businessman Mode Indonesia (APPMI) recently. The designer who often was greeted by Nuna this added, details took the form of the measuring stones big then began to disappear and that more was exposed was the material processing. Material that became the choice among them silk organdy, the siphon, viskos, and jersey. The "challenge like this that must be dealt with respectively the designer to conjure up a sheet of cloth to the interesting fashion," said Nuna that currently busy preparing the collection for the performance "Hong Kongese Fashion Week 2009".
Nuna apparently also was challenged offered the very different fashion collection compared with beforehand. At this time Nuna was seen put the simple design forward, but had the value sold high. "This time I no longer carried out the experiment." The fashion that was made must be able to be used and the behaviour in the market, explained Nuna that released the collection anyar in the "Fashion Exploration" site "2009". In the party site mode greatest besutan APPMI, Nuna took the theme of the "Pilgrimage" collection. He often offered the construction of the hands of the bat and trousers jodhpur -- trousers that expanded in the thigh part and were wrinkled in the underside. "This collection indeed a part of prototype that will be simplified to ready to wear." Usually not only details that were minimised, but from the side of the design also was not as complicated original him, explained Nuna.
Challenged by Inovatif Then, in the projection trend 2009, during him the designer was indeed challenged so that more innovative. Looked for the fashion inspiration, for example, might not be very far around the world. The environment in and around us then could become his solution. This it was said Dina Midiani, the directive formulator trend fashion 2009 for APPMI. "Only, a designer must be able to also offer the fashion that really he understood or had the concept" of the "clear plan, so as to be able to be packed to something that was new and to have a high sale value." That was very rare we said. The fact is, the designer often followed trend seasonal, explained Dina.
According to Dina, a designer must indeed have the capacity to process or pack something became new. Moreover, a designer could also memengaruhi the market with the collection that he offered. "Not the problem if wanting to play with the application" of the "fashion." But that must be paid attention to how the appointment or his execution technique. For example, could by modifying the colour and the different measurement, mentioned he. But once more Dina understood the difficulty that often was experienced by the designer who was based in the area. According to him, basic the designer of the area not ready to wear, but personal. "They then to was trapped with the client's wish." Because of that they must try hard to understand the market wish and to change mutual experiences with the other designer, explained the designer that always the success rake in buyers in the site "Hong Kongese Fashion Week" this.
The Man's fashion
Who said only women who could appear the style? The man then currently could appear fashionable followed the directive tren mode. The proof is, in the "Fashion Exploration" site "2009", abreast the designer who gathered in APPMI took part in exhibiting the man's collection. For example, Sofie, Taruna K Kusmayadi, Oka Diputra, Ali Charisma, Malik Moestaram, Jazz Pasay, Dwi Iskandar et cetera. "At this time the business of the man's fashion was promising enough." It was proven, the request towards the collection of the man's fashion began to improve from before. This phenomenon possibly flowed from the man's attitude that has begun to pay attention to the appearance, said Sofie. The designer who currently gathers with APPMI Special Capital District OF Jakarta this explained, the man's fashion that often had an interest taken in him of course that had the line of the design was especially male. Meaning that, really for the man's true noose and not to that was flamboyant.
How with trend the man's fashion 2009? The "man's collection that was offered by me to trend 2009 really with look the man." His model then was heterogenous enough, like blazer and trousers jodhpur, related Sofie. The uniqueness again, added Sofie, the man's fashion 2009 often made use of details and clear colours like red, green, and blue. Only, these colours were not put forward on the whole in one collection was proper for the female fashion. "Chosen by us one of the colours that was interesting," he said.

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