Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

How to Find Trendy Designer Handbags on Sale

Wearing a designer handbag conveys class and style, but the prices can be beyond many womens' spending money allowances. There are fake designer handbags and replicas, but aside from being illegal, these just don't seem the same. There is a sense of illegitimacy involved in wearing one and it's just not the real thing.

There are discount outlets in various towns and malls around the United States for name brands such as Coach, Vuitton and Burberry. Prime Outlets is one example and if you get on their newsletter you can be informed of discounts and sales that slash their already discounted prices.

In many high end neighborhoods there are consignment shops where you can find used clothing and accessories. This is a good place to browse for an pre-owned designer handbag that is authentic. Of course you need to check stitching and other factors to determine if this is a fake or a replica bag. You may be getting an authentic handbag that is back a season but it is still much more valuable than something that is a copy cat handbag. Often people due to getting a divorce or needing to relocate will find it easier to sell items and get a new start in their new location. You can find both designer clothing and handbags at nice thrift shops, consignment stores and some second hand stores.

Another idea that can work is checking out garage and estate sales in neighborhoods that have luxury homes. My friend was able to get an elegant purse as well as a great deal on a pair of designer shoes on a Sunday morning at a garage sale in a neighborhood in Palm Beach County with homes that sell for half a million dollars.

Keep in mind that people want to get to know you and as nice as elegant accessories are for enhancement, your own personality is what truly shines.

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