Selasa, 24 November 2009

Make Designer Bags Your Style Statement

Adding an 'Extra' to Ordinary makes it 'Extraordinary'. This is what we all want to do when it comes to accessorizing ourselves. designer bags always have been on top of the list of stuff which adds flavor to our wardrobe. They speak about your identity, statement and style.

While talking about these bags, it's noteworthy to mention that not only women look for best quality bags; it's also men who are attracted by the brands which are associated with them. Although, women's bags still capture much of the existing market.

The craze for designer bags has developed because they are fashioned by reputed designers, marketed by renowned celebs, and have an eye-catching appearance and elegance. Women basically by nature will like to own these and sling them over to their arm. Adding to it, these bags offer high quality, best materials and are a symbol for superb craftsmanship.

Everyone wants to posses these designer bags but one concern is the cost factor. As is expected, these brand items always carry a huge cost with them. The consumers always pay extra amount for only the brand name sake. But for people who are passionate for these accessories and who want to stand out from the crowd, will definitely not mind investing in these stylish stuff. Some of the names which have excelled in the fashion arena include Chanel, Burberry, Coach, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Gucci, Kate Spade, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Hermès, Ralph Lauren, Dooney & Bourke.

For the consumers who cannot go for the original ones, the market offers them designer replicas which are less expensive. One thing to pay heed to is that if you are paying the price for original and genuine bags; do not get bluffed away by these replica bags. You need to be extra cautious while investing in these. Fake bags might have poor workmanship, bad quality material, and inferior quality of stitching, fake brand logos with misplacement of letters in the brand name.

While purchasing any of these stylish bags you must consider the materials, color and design that suits your lifestyle and more importantly your needs. Always choose a bag with enough space for all things you wish to carry with you as the bag should not only enhance your outfit but also should fulfill its primary purpose of Also do not over accessorize yourself. Keep it simple and sweet. Bold colors may suit someone but not all. To some solid colors may give an elegant and classy look.

Designer bags have covered the market widely. Now we have Designer travel bags too. They are made from high quality, long lasting materials. Always go for the bag which is not very bulky and at the same time which has sufficient pockets both side and hidden. Another category of designer bags are the designer pet bags. Pet lovers are very fond of these bags as they want to carry their cute pets also in some stylish and comfortable thing. They provide resistance from stinking smell too.

The author has interest in writing on various topics related to Technology, Health, Travel, Fashion, Parenting, Sports, Animals and Pets, Consumer Durables and a lot of other stuff. I can be hired for writing from elance and getafreelancer where you can find me as PTSystems.

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